FIG. 1.
LiFU envelope waveforms for pulsed [(B) pLiFU, pulses-s−1 pps, pulse width (PW)] and amplitude-modulated continuous-wave ultrasound [(A) cwLiFU, period T]. Insets show individual cycles of 5 MHz ultrasound with amplitude determined by the envelope. The acoustic radiation force () is proportional to the acoustic intensity, and the rate-of-change in force is the time derivative (). (C) Schematic of the toadfish vestibular labyrinth showing the horizontal canal (HC), anterior canal (AC), posterior canal (PC), utriculus (U), sacculus (S), and brain (BR). [Adapted from Popper and Fay (Popper and Fay, 1993) and Ghanem et al. (Ghanem et al., 1998).] Ultrasound (US) was applied from dorsal to ventral (-z) using a spherically focused probe 16 mm in diameter immersed in fluid and located ∼25 mm above the target organ.