Figure 1.
Clustering of subsets of genes in 29 ccRCC tumors. Rows represent individual cDNAs, and columns represent individual patient tumor samples. The color of each square represents the median-polished normalized ratio of gene expression in a tumor relative to patient-matched normal kidney tissue. Red indicates gene expression above the median; green, below the median; black, equal to the median; and gray, inadequate or missing data. The color saturation indicates the degree of divergence from the median. (A) Clustering of all 3,184 genes and 29 tumors. The colored bars on the right of the diagram indicate clusters with high discrimination scores. (B) Reclustering of genes and tumors by using three “predictive” clusters. The color coding of the patient list indicates cause-specific survival at 5 years: red indicates cancer death, blue indicates alive, and black indicates short followup. The color bars beneath the dendrograms represent the average expression values for the subsets of genes. (C) Expanded view of the patient dendrograms from B, showing the structure of similarity relationships between the gene expression profiles.