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. 2017 Aug 9;8:133. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00133

Table 1.

Summary of included studies on euthymic bipolar disorder.

Reference n Medications bipolar sample Neuropsychological test parameters Results
Altshuler et al. (37) BD 40 Li 25, AC 12, AD 4, AP 6, BZD 3 WAIS-R block design, vocab; TMT, WCST, Stroop; VFT, CVLT; ROCFT; Star mirror tracing Task, PR BD impaired verbal memory and executive functioning
SZ 20
HC 22

Bas et al. (38) BD 60 Li 39, AP 37, LTG 9, VPA 21 Stroop, TMT A and B; WMS-R visual reproduction; RAVLT BD impaired on RAVLT
HC 41

Bora et al. (39) BD 514 Li 63.2%, VPA 47.6%, AP 47.2%, AD 5.7% Stroop. WCST Deficits exist in subgroups who have severe and global cognitive deficits
BD-II 42
HC 416

Chang et al. (40) BD 23 BD Li 13, AP 15, LTG 7, VPA 9 WAIS-R block design and vocab; CVLT, VFT All NS
BD-II 23
HC 23

Chou et al. (41) BD 23 AP 13, VPA 19 The Color Trails Test, WCST; WMS-III – Word Lists Test, Face Test; Go/No-GO, Test for Attentional Performance BD impaired faces memory and WCST
HC 33

Deckersbach et al. (42) BD 25 Li 11, AC 9, AD 9, AP 3 ROCFT Immediate recall BD impaired, copy and recognition preserved
HC 25

Deckersbach et al. (11) BD 30 Li 13, AC 11, AD 8, AP 4 CVLT CVLT BD impaired learning and delayed free recall
Obsessive compulsive disorder 30
HC 30

Dell’Osso et al. (43) BD 15 BD Mono 2, Poly 12 N-Back NS HC and BD
HC 27

Dittmann et al. (44) BD 65 BD Li 27, AD 10, AP 33, CBZ 4, VPA 28 TMT; HAWIE-R; WAIS-III letter number sequencing; RBANS Psychomotor speed, working and delayed memory, verbal learning, executive functioning BD impaired
BD-II 38
HC 62

Dixon et al. (45) BD manic 15 dep 15, eu 15, HC 30 Eu Li 15, AD 8, AP 10, AC 2 WAIS-R Vocab; Stroop; FAS; Hayling sentence completion test; Cognitive Estimates Test VF total responses, Hayling response initiation latency, error score and using strategy, stroop EuBD impaired

Doganavs¸argil-Baysal et al. (46) BD 60 Li 11, MS + AP 12, 2MS 12, VPA 6 WCST, TMT, Stroop; RAVLT; Cancelation test Significant differences on all measures between BD and HC
HC 20

Doganavs¸argil-Baysal et al. (46) BD 54 Li 10, MS + AP 27, 2MS 11, VPA 5 WCST; RAVLT Both measures BD < HC
HC 18

Doruk et al. (47) Manic 20 Unknown Stroop; Serial Digit Learning Test; RAVLT; Cancelation Test NS HC and EuBD
Eu 21

Fistikci et al. (48) BD 25 Li 25 WCST; Montreal Cognitive Assessment NS HC and BD
HC 25

Frangou et al. (49) BD 10 Li 5, AC 3 WCST; Hayling sentence completion WCST BD and offspring made more errors
Un offspring 15
HC 43

Hsiao et al. (50) BD 30 VPA 29 WAIS-III digit symbol; TMT; WMS-III Verbal memory, working memory, psychomotor speed, executive function BD impaired
BD-II 37
HC 22

Martino et al. (51) BD 48 AD 16, AP 28, BZD 23, MS 48 WAIS vocab, digit span; TMT, WCST, IGT; Memory battery of Signoret Verbal memory, attention and executive functions impaired
BD-II 37
HC 34

Muralidharan et al. (52) BD 72 AP 27, Li 34, VPA 38 TMT, Stroop; CANTAB; CVLT; WMS-III LNS P on VPA more working memory deficits than Li or HC
HC 40

Muralidharan et al. (53) BD 68 AP 51, Li 32, MS + AP 50, VPA 32 TMT, Stroop; CANTAB; CVLT; WMS-III letter number sequencing Verbal and visuospatial memory, working memory and executive function BD impaired.
HC 38

Normala et al. (54) BD 40 AP 6, MS 11, MS + AD 1, MS + AP22 WAIS Digit span; TMT; Verbal Fluency Executive and attention functioning BD impaired
HC 40

Pattanayak et al. (55) BD 30 AP 5, LTG 2, Li 21, VPA 11 VIQ; TMT, Stroop; N-Back; Postgraduate Institute Memory Scale Attention, information processing speed, executive function, verbal memory BD impaired
HC 20

Radwan (56) BD 30 Unknown WAIS; WCST; WMS; CPT All BD impaired
HC 30

Sepede et al. (57) BD 24 AD 10, AP 15, BZD 8, Li 3, MS 9 CPT Sustained attention impaired BD and rels
Unaffected rels 33
HC 24

Trivedi et al. (58) BD 15 CBZ 1, Li 8, VPA 6 WCST; SWMT; CPT Executive function BD impaired
HC 15

Trivedi et al. (59) BD 15 Unknown WCST; SWMT; CPT Executive function BD impaired
SZ 15, HC 15

Yates et al. (60) BD dep 34 AD 9, AP 18, BZD 9, MS 29 WAIS-III Verbal measure BD impaired
BDEu 31, HC 34

Zubieta et al. (61) BD 15 AP 3, CBZ 2, Li 7, VPA 12 WAIS-R: digit span; WCST, Stroop; WMS-R; verbal fluency; test of variable attention Verbal learning, executive function, motor coordination and sequential memory BD impaired. NS verbal fluency or attention
HC 15

BD, bipolar; BD-II, bipolar II; HC, healthy controls; SZ, Schizophrenia; Li, lithium; AC, anticonvulsant; AD, antidepressant; AP, antipsychotics; BZD, benzodiazepine; CBZ, carbamazepine; LTG, lamotrigine; MS, mood stabilizer; VPA, valproate; Mono, monotherapy; Poly, polytherapy; AMIPB, Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery; BVRT, Benton Visual Retention Test; VLMT, Verbaler Lern- und Merkfähigkeitstest; DCS-R, Diagnosticum für Cerebralschädigung – II; NAART, North American Adult Reading Test; WRAT, Wide Range Achievement Test; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; CPT, Continuous Performance Test; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.