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. 2017 Aug 9;8:133. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00133

Table 2.

Summary of included studies on pre-surgical temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).

Reference n Neuropsychological test parameters Results
Baxendale and Thompson (62) Right temporal lobe (RTL) 133 WAIS PIQ, VIQ; AMIPB Verbal memory decline post-surg left temporal lobe (LTL)
LTL 157

Baxendale et al. (63) RTL 146
LTL 177
WAIS PIQ, VIQ; AMIPB; Birt Memory and Information Processing Battery RTL and LTL at equal risk of post-surg decline

Berenbaum et al. (64) LTL 57 WAIS Digit Span; CVLT CVLT decline post-surg

Bjørnaes et al. (65) RTL 50 WAIS Digit Span; Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT); Design Learning and Retention Test; Verbal List Learning and Retention; Tactual Performance Test Improvement at 2-year follow up post-surg
LTL 41

Chelune et al. (66) RTL 19 WAIS-R VIQ, PIQ; WMS-R, RAVLT; COWAT, Halstead-Wepman Aphasia Screening Exam, BNT, Speech Sounds Perception Test; Hooper Visual Organization Test, Seashore Rhythm Test LTL decline post-surg
LTL 23

Chiaravalloti et al. (67) RTL 16 WMS-III Faces Subtest; Graduate Hospital Facial Memory Test RTL < LTL both pre- and post-surg
LTL 10

Chiaravalloti (68) RTL 42 CVLT; Graduate Hospital Facial Memory Test Verbal memory post-surg decline LTL, RTL improved. Visuospatial memory post-surg decline RTL, LTL improvement
LTL 28

Fernandes et al. (69) RTL 23 WAIS-R Block design, Vocabulary; WMS-R; RAVLT Cognitive scores post-surg decline low pre-surg scores. Non-verbal memory post-surg RTL decline, verbal and visuospatial memory LTL decline
LTL 24
healthy controls (HC) 28

Giovagnoli et al. (70) RTL 12 Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices; Attentive Matrices; Verbal Selective Reminding Procedure, Story Recall, Verbal Memory Distractor Test; Visual Selective Reminding Procedure, ROCFT, Visual Memory Distractor Test Verbal memory pre- and post-surgery LTL impaired relative to HC. Visual deficits present in both groups relative to HC
LTL 12
HC 36

Gleissner et al. (71) RTL 63 VLMT; DCR-S Verbal memory LTL decline
LTL 52

Glosser et al. (72) RTL 13 Boston Naming Test; CVLT Benton Facial Recognition, Graduate Hospital Facial Memory Recognition of familiar faces and learning new faces RTL impaired. Names of familiar faces LTL impaired
HC 10

Helmstaedter et al. (73) LTL 47 Verbal Learning and Memory Test; RAVLT Delayed recall and recognition post-surg improvement

Hermann and Wyler (74) RTL 14 COWAT; Token Test Language tests pre-surg LTL deficit
LTL 15

Hermann et al. (75) RTL 31 CVLT Verbal memory post-surg RTL increased
LTL 26

Hermann et al. (76) RTL 26 WAIS-R Digit Span; Multilingual Aphasia Examination Visual Naming Test; CVLT CVLT post-surg decline LTL
LTL 36

Köylü et al. (77) RTL 12 List learning task LTL post-surg decline
LTL 14

Lee et al. (78) LTL 38 RAVLT; ROCFT Memory post-surg decline

Loring et al. (79) RTL 13 Selective Reminding Test, Serial Digit Learning, ROCFT, Form Sequence Learning Complex figure RTL impaired. Verbal memory decline LTL
LTL 16

Malikova et al. (80) RTL 11 WAIS-R; WMS-R; Verbal Fluency Test FSIQ, global and verbal memory, attention, and working memory all improved post-surg
LTL 26

Morino et al. (81) RTL 31 WMS-R; Miyake Verbal Retention Test; BVRT Memory RTL improved post-surg. Verbal memory LTL post-surg improved
LTL 31

Quigg et al. (82) RTL 16 TMT; BNT; CVLT; WMS-R Logical Memory Scale BNT and CVLT LTL decreased post-surgery. Language and verbal memory LTL increased. TMT increased
LTL 14

Seidenberg et al. (83) RTL 30 CVLT Free recall LTL decline post-surgery
LTL 46

Selwa et al. (84) RTL 14 WAIS-R; WMS FSIQ, Logical Memory RTL improved post-surg. Verbal memory decline LTL post-surg
LTL 17
Non-surgical TLE 28

Shamim et al. (85) RTL 14 WAIS-III; WMS-III Verbal memory deficit post-surg LTL
LTL 16

Stretton et al. (86) RTL 17 WAIS-III Digit Span; Gesture Span Task; Motor Sequences Task; Dot-Back Paradigm Working memory pre-surg RTL and LTL worse than HC. WM improved post-surg LTL
LTL 16
HC 15

Tisser et al. (87) RTL 10 WAIS-R; WCST WCST RTL and LTL impaired, improved post-surg
LTL 15
HC 22

Trenerry and Jack (88) RTL 34 WAIS-R; WCST The WCST is not useful for lateralizing seizure onset in TLE
LTL 34

Trenerry et al. (89) RTL 36 WAIS-R; WMS-R; RAVLT; Visual Spatial Learning Test Verbal and visual memory LTL improved post-surg
LTL 44

von Rhein et al. (90) RTL 20 VLMT; DCS-R; BNT; Token Test Verbal Memory impaired post-surgery. Naming decline post-surgery LTL
LTL 32

Tests of executive function: WCST, FAS, TMT-B, Stroop, Hayling Sentence Completion Test, CANTAB: Intra Extra Dimensional Set Shifting, CANTAB: Stockings Problem; Tests of Verbal Memory—CVLT, RAVLT, WAIS Vocab, WMS-R: Logical Memory, WMS-R: Verbal Paired Associates, Token Test, VLMT: Verbaler Lern- und Merkfähigkeitstest; Tests of non-verbal memory- ROCFT, WMS: Visual reproduction, WMS-R: Design Memory, WMS-R Visual Reproduction, WMS-III: Face Test, CANTAB: Spatial recognition memory, CANTAB: Pattern Recognition Memory, CANTAB: Paired Associates Learning; Attention span WAIS: Digit Span, Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery (AMIPB); sustained attention CPT; working memory SWMT, N-Back, WAIS: Letter Number Sequencing, WMS-III: Letter Number Sequencing, CANTAB: Spatial Working Memory.