Table 4. Expression of transforming genes in transgenic mice.
Transgene | Site of pathology | Reference* |
SV40 early region | Choroid plexus | (10, 80, 95) |
SV40 large T-antigen | Choroid plexus | (80) |
MThGH-SV40(Δ enhancer) | Hepatocytes, pancreatic β cells, & Schwann cells | (69, 80) |
Insulin/SV40 early region | Pancreatic β cells | (35) |
Elastase/SV40 early region | Pancreatic acinar cells | (73) |
Albumin/SV40 early region | Hepatocytes | (a) |
bGH/SV40 early region | Pituitary (somatotroph cells?) | (a) |
Prolactin/SV40 early region | Pituitary (lactotroph cells) | (b) |
Crystallin/SV40 early region | Lens | (c) |
Adeno E1A/SV40 early region | Glial cells | (d) |
α-Glycotropin/SV40 early | Pituitary | (e) |
GRF/SV40 early region | Thymus | (f) |
Elastase/c-Ha-ras (EJ) | Pancreatic acinar cells | (a) |
MMTV/c-myc | Mammary epithelial cells | (97) |
LTR/c-myc | Thymocytes | (1) |
SV40/c-myc | Lymphocytes, renal cells & fibroblasts | (1) |
Ig(μ)/c-myc | Pre-B and B-cells | (1) |
lg(κ)/c-myc | B-cells | (1) |
Papilloma virus (bovine) | Skin fibropapilloma | (g) |
Unpublished observations: (a) ours, (b) G. Rosenfeld, (c) H. Westphal, (d) F. Kelly, (e) P. Mellon & D. Hanahan, (f) D. Hanahan, (g) F. Botteri, H. van der Putten & R. Evans.
Unpublished observations: (a) ours, (b) G. Rosenfeld, (c) H. Westphal, (d) F. Kelly, (e) P. Mellon & D. Hanahan, (f) F. Botteri, H. van der Putten & R. Evans; (g) A.-C. Andres, C.-A. Schonenberger, B. Groner, L. Hennighausen, M. LeMeur & P. Gerlinger.