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. 2017 Aug 10;10:390. doi: 10.1186/s13104-017-2734-2

Table 1.

Demographics of mother and daughter dyads (N = 170 dyads)

N (%)
Demographics and gynecological history of the mothers (n = 170)
 Age (years)a
  ≤30 11 6.5
  31–40 28 16.5
  41–50 106 62.4
  ≥51 24 14.1
 Marital statusa
  Married 133 78.2
  Single/divorced/separated 26 15.3
  Widowed 10 5.9
  Health professionals 13 7.6
  Non-health related 150 88.2
 Educational attainmenta
  Primary level 39 22.9
  Secondary level 108 63.5
  Tertiary education and above 22 12.9
 Family income (HK$)a
  On government assistance 10 5.9
  $10,000 and below 50 29.4
  $10,001–15,000 45 26.5
  $15,001–30,000 36 21.2
  ≥$30,001 26 15.3
 Most recent Pap testa
  Never 75 44.1
  Within the last 3 years 68 40.0
  More than 3 years ago 26 15.3
 Past abnormal Pap testa (among those who have had a Pap test, n = 94)
  Never 71 75.5
  Once 11 11.7
  Twice 9 9.6
  Three or more 3 3.2
 Ever had diagnosed with cervical cancera 14 8.2
 Had an operation for cervical cancer (colposcopy, total hysterectomy or loop electrosurgical excision procedure)a 9 5.3
 Family history of cervical cancera 12 7.1
Demographics and sexual experience of the adolescent daughters (n = 170)
 Age of the daughters interviewed in this study (m = 16.22 ± 1.91 years)
  12–15 44 25.9
  16–18 126 74.1
 Received all childhood vaccines 140 82.4
 Had serious adverse effects from a childhood vaccine 7 4.1
 Received the HPV vaccine 3 1.8
 Self-report of sexual experience
  Never had 143 84.1
  Yes, with one boyfriend 25 14.7
  Yes, with multiple partners 2 1.2
 Believe sexual partner has other sexual partners (among those with sexual partners) (n = 27)
  No 22 81.5
  Yes 5 18.5

aMissing data are less than 5% (range 0.6–2.4%)