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. 2017 Jul 1;13(3):278–283. doi: 10.1007/s12024-017-9877-2

Table 5.

Comparison of post mortem liver examination findings for heavy alcohol users who died from SUDAM and non-alcohol users who died from SADS

Post mortem liver description SUDAM (n = 62) SADS (n = 41)
Liver weight (g) Weight available 12 7
Mean ± SD (g) 2196.1 ± 343.3* 1572.4 ± 450.6*
Range (g) 1596-3000 g 1000–2401
Morphological Findings Normal 21 (33.9%) 11 (26.8%)
Congestion 2 (3.2%) 4 (9.8%)
Fatty 15 (24.2%)** 1 (2.4%)
Cirrhosis 1 (1.6%) 0
Unknown 23 (37.1%) 25 (61.0%)

SUDAM Sudden unexpected death in alcohol misuse

SADS Sudden adult/arrhythmic death syndrome

SD Standard deviation

*There was a statistically significant difference (P = 0.0033)

**Including one case of microscopically confirmed steatohepatitis.