Figure 5.
Relationships between stability of functional connectivity and structural connectivity according to topological edge types in rich club organization. (A) Significant rich club organization in the range of degree thresholds, 16 ≤ k ≤ 24 (gray shade; P < 0.05, Bonferroni corrected). Black line indicates time series of group-averaging rich club coefficients with changing degree threshold of k. Light gray line indicates time series of mean rich club coefficients for 1,000 random networks and red line and its error bar represent mean normalized rich club coefficients and its standard error of mean. (B) Rich club nodes by a degree threshold of k = 18 and three kinds of structural edges (i.e., rich club, feeder, and local edges). (C) Relationships between strength of FC and log-transformed fiber counts in rich club, feeder, and local edges for FC. (D) Relationships between strength of pFC and log-transformed fiber counts in rich club, feeder, and local edges for FC. (E) Relationships between stability (ICC) and strength of FC (gray circles lines) and pFC (red circles and regression lines) and log-transformed fiber counts in rich club, feeder, and local edges. N.S. indicates no significance. THL, thalamus; PUT, putamen; PRCU, precuneus; HP, hippocampus; SFGmed, medial superior frontal gyrus; PrCG, precentral gyrus; STG, superior temporal gyrus; INS, insula; SPG, superior pariental gyrus; TPsup, superior temporal pole; CAU, caudate; L, left; R, right.