Extended Data Figure 3. PD-1 detected after therapy using anti-human IgG4 and proliferating CD8 T cells in healthy donors.
a, Healthy donor PBMCs were incubated with anti-PD-1 clone EH12 BV421 and/or pembro—alone, together or sequentially followed by anti-human IgG4–phycoerythrin. b, Plots of Eomes, T-bet, CD45RA, and CD27 expression in Ki67+ CD8 T cells from a representative healthy donor. c, Comparison of Eomes versus T-bet and CD45RA versus CD27 phenotypes in patients n =10). **P <0.01, Student’s t-test. d, Mean fold change of Ki67 on PD-1+ CD8 T cells over 3 weeks in healthy donors (n = 7). Error bars denote s.d.; centre line denotes mean; dotted line denotes fold change of 2.21, which is equal to the mean + 3 s.d. Flow cytometry data in all panels are representative of 1–2 independent technical replicates of the stain indicated.