Fig. 5.
Alteration of the characteristics of HT1080 FP-10 cells transfected with the β3Gn-T6 gene. (A) The expression of T antigen on the surface of HT1080 FP-10/mock and β3Gn-T6 cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. The cells stained with FITC-PNA lectin are indicated by a solid line; unstained cells are indicated by a dotted line. HT1080 FP-10/mock and β3Gn-T6 cells are indicated with a thin and thick line, respectively. (B) Ability of HT1080 FP-10 variant cells to migration in vitro. HT1080 FP-10/mock and β3Gn-T6 cells were seeded onto membranes coated with laminin (Left) or ECM (Right). The cells that penetrated the membrane were counted. Data were obtained from quadruplicate experiments, and the average cell numbers of three HT1080 FP-10/mock or five HT1080 FP-10/β3Gn-T6 cell lines are indicated as the mean ± SD. (C) In vivo metastatic activity of HT1080 FP-10/mock-1 or β3Gn-T6-1 cells. Gross appearance of lungs from nude mice injected with HT1080 FP-10/mock cells (a), HT1080 FP-10/β3Gn-T6 cells (b) and MEM alone (c) is shown.