(A) smFISH against c-Fos (green) combined with IF against p-p38 (red) in U2OS cells 4 hr after induction with 150 μM of zinc. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue).
(B) Average number of active TS per cell increases with the average p-p38 level. Cells were pooled in five bins based on their p-p38 levels containing the same number of cells as indicated with black bars in (C) and (E).
(C) Mature mRNA number as a function of p-p38 levels (Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.51).
(D) Histogram of mature mRNA data shown with same bins as used in (B).
(E and F) Nascent mRNA number per active TS plotted as function of p-p38 levels (Pearson’s correlation coefficient of −0.02). (F) Same binning as in (B).
All error bars are SEM. See also Figure S2.