SB505124 or vehicle was administered via osmotic pump for 4 days prior to euthanization and sample preparation for Western blot. (5A) Representative blot for LC3, p62, and β-Tubulin (loading control) from a wedge of the injured hemisphere. (5B) Quantitative analysis of band optical densities for LC3-I, (5C) ratio of LC3-II:LC3-I band densities, and (5D) band optical densities for p62 (n=3 per group). Data are presented as means ± SEM *p<0.05, **p<0.001 by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. (5E) Representative blot for LC3 and Ponceau S (loading control) from an independent experiment where Neocortices, Hippocampi and Thalami were microdissected and analyzed separately.