Neural agrin and electrical muscle stimulation affect AChR stability.
SOL muscles were injected with Rh-BuTx 8 days after denervation and
injection of solutions of nAgrin cDNA that resulted in low, medium, and
high amounts of recombinant nAgrin in the muscles as indicated.
Relative fluorescence at nAgrin-induced AChR aggregates (ordinate, see
Materials and Methods) declined at fast, intermediate,
and slow rates in muscles expressing low, medium, or high amounts of
recombinant protein (■). Electrical muscle stimulation
starting on the day of Rh-BuTx injection decreased the degradation rate
at AChR aggregates induced in muscles expressing low or medium but not
high amounts of recombinant nAgrin (○). For each time point,
13–64 measurements were done in at least three different animals.