Mapping and QTL analysis for carrot β-carotene content. (A) Manhattan plot for β-carotene concentration. Horizontal line indicates Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. (B) QTL analysis for β-carotene concentration. Horizontal line indicates QTL significance threshold. (C) Linkage map of the distal end of chromosome 7 showing the QTL for β-carotene content. Black bar covers the 1.5 LOD drop off region. The most significant marker, S7_33,825,289, is highlighted in red. (D) Marker effect plot for S7_33,825,289, within the QTL region on chromosome 7. AA represents the homozygous recessive genotype (y2y2), while AB and BB represent the heterozygous and homozygous dominant genotypes (Y2_), respectively. Vertical axis indicates the quantity of beta-carotene (μg/g).