Figure 4. Hierarchical assembly of neighborhoods within 60S subunits.
Folding of 60S subunit rRNAs in yeast. The 25S rRNA contains six secondary structure domains (I–VI) (A), which are compacted along with 5.8S and 5S rRNAs to form the tertiary structure of rRNA in the 60S subunit (B). For example, 5.8S rRNA base-pairs with domain I (purple) and is sandwiched between domains I and III (green) of 25S rRNA that are far apart in the primary sequence of 25S rRNA. (C) Correlation between the location and the function of ESs in 60S subunit assembly. ESs cluster on the periphery of the 60S subunit and are required for specific steps of pre-rRNA processing [49]. Deletion of ESs: (1) in the equatorial belt (blue) affects early steps, (2) in the bottom half (orange) affects middle steps, and (3) around the CP and ES19 (green) affects late steps of 60S subunit assembly (green). (D) Correlation between the location and the function of r-proteins. Depletion of r-proteins in the equatorial belt of the solvent interface affects early (blue) steps of 60S subunit assembly. Depletion of r-proteins in the bottom half of 60S subunit (orange) and surrounding the CP and on the subunit interface (green) affects late steps of 60S subunit assembly. Many r-proteins that bind to the subunit interface (purple) associate with pre-ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The secondary structure of large subunit rRNA was obtained from (PDB ID: 4V88).