A) Viability assay of senescent and control IMR90 incubated with increasing doses of FOXO4-DRI (M). The selectivity index (SI50) reflects the differences in EC50 of a non-regression analysis for both groups. See also Fig. S3A. B) Real-time cell density measurement by xCELLigence of control and senescent IMR90 incubated with or without FOXO4-DRI (25 M). C) Viability assay comparing the effects of increasing doses of FOXO4-DRI and the same peptide in L-isoform, FOXO4-L. D) Viability assay comparing FOXO4-DRI, FOXO4-L, and an unrelated FOXM1-DRI peptide(Kruiswijk et al., 2016), at 6.25, 12.5 and 25 M, respectively. E) Viability assay comparing the pan-BCL inhibitor ABT-737 to FOXO4-DRI, when applied in three consecutive rounds at 1/3 the final concentration each (See also Fig. S3B+C). SI75 reflects differences in EC75 of a non-regression analysis for both groups. F) Viability assay comparing the effect of FOXO4-DRI on cells depleted for p53 by shRNA. See Fig. S3D for effects on p53 expression. G) Viability assay comparing the effect of FOXO4-DRI senescent cells incubated with pan-caspase inhibitors (20 M). H) Representative still images of real-time confocal-based imaging of senescent and control cells in the presence of a Caspase-3/7 activatable dye (green) and incubated with FOXO4-DRI. See also Mov. 3+4. Imaging started 8h after FOXO4-DRI addition.