Box-and-whisker plots of Helsinki chronic pain index (HCPI), quality of life assessment (QLA), visual analog scale for pain (VASpain) and locomotion (VASloc) for dogs with neurological (n = 145) and musculoskeletal (n = 36) diseases grouped, before and after treatment with acupuncture and related techniques (ALG, n = 50) or acupuncture and analgesic therapy (AAG, n = 131), either when success was achieved before 24 wk or, when this was not the case, at 24 wk of treatment. The top and bottom box lines represent the interquartile range (25% to 75%), the line within the box represents the median and the extremes of the whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values. Different capital letters indicate significant differences between groups at each time, with A > B; different small letters indicate significant differences between baseline and end of trial in the same group, with a > b.