Fig. 3.
PrAMA inference results are reproducible in follow-up lumbar punctures (LP). Substrate cleavage patterns in CSF samples obtained from same patients with unchanged clinical diagnosis within a time period of 2 months, baseline substrate cleavage in CSF is denoted as LP 0, cleavage rates in CSF of 2-month follow-up (F/U) lumbar punctures as LP F/U. Substrate cleavage is shown for controls (ctrl), patients with neoplastic meningitis (NM) and patients with brain metastases w/o NM in a heatmap (a). PrAMA inferred the cleavage signatures from (Fig. 2a), using parameters from (a). Calculated protease activities are presented as bar graph (light grey, control individuals; grey, NM; black, w/o NM), error bars indicate standard deviation of three technical replicates, dotted columns denote 2-months follow-up lumbar punctures, respectively (b). Note that both, cleavage patterns and PrAMA inference results, remain similiar for controls, NM and the patient with brain metastases w/o NM. Two-tailed, one-sample t test was used to compare initial protease activities with 2-month follow-up measurements, values were not significant (ns, p ≥ 0.05) or significant * (p ≤ 0.05)