Figure 11.
Link models for concentration-effect relationships. A: The systemic vascular resistance (SVR) parameter (symbols, obtained by the fitting process that gave the radar plots shown in Fig. 8 and summarised in Table 3) plotted against the concurrent exogenous arterial magnesium concentrations. The final link model (Eqn. 9; line) based on a linear relationship with a threshold is also shown. B: The venous compliance (CPLv) parameter (symbols, via Fig. 8) plotted against the concurrent exogenous arterial magnesium concentrations. The final link model (Eqn 10; line) based on a simple threshold that switches between two states of venous compliance is also shown. This is plausible if it is considered that magnesium, even at relatively low concentrations, causes maximal dilation of the venous capacitance vessels. C: The contractility (CNT) parameter (symbols, via Fig. 8) plotted against the concurrent exogenous arterial magnesium concentrations. The final link model (line) was based on the assumption that contractility was unaffected by magnesium (i.e parameter value was fixed). D: The sympathetic tone coefficient for contractility (S2) parameter (symbols, via Fig. 8) plotted against the concurrent exogenous arterial magnesium concentrations. The final link model (line) was based on the assumption that S2 was unaffected by magnesium (i.e parameter value was fixed).