Synapsin expression is reduced by ectopic Dimm expression. (A–C) In control larvae synapsin immunolabeling is seen throughout the axon termination. Here an additional (GFP-negative) synapsin-expressing termination is seen on an adjacent muscle (arrow). Scale bar in (A) is also for (B–F). (D,E) Ectopic Dimm expression reduces synapsin immunolabeling in the aCC neurons, but not in an adjacent neuron (arrow). (G–L) The same axon terminations are shown in higher magnification. Arrows indicate adjacent GFP-negative neurons and asterisks in (K,L) indicate branches of the aCC axon termination in which synapsin immunolabeling is reduced. Note that in (I,L) a third marker is added: anti-vesicular glutamate transporter (mostly obscured by the anti-synapsin). Scale bar in (G) is also for (H–L). Data for effects of Dimm+dInR expression on synapsin are shown in Figure 6.