Figure 3.
Solution SAXS analysis of the full-length ScWss1 protein. (A) Main plot - Experimental scattering data of the full-length protein (black cycles) and the scattering pattern computed from the GASBOR model (red dashes); Insert (left below) - Distance distribution function p(r) of the full-length ScWss1 protein; Insert (right above) – Guinier plot for the full-length protein. (B) Superposition of the GASBOR model and the crystallographic structure of ScWss121-148. (C) Rg distribution of the optimized ensemble (curve 1) selected from a random pool (curve 2) for the full-length ScWss1 analyzed by program EOM. (D) 1 - Kratky plot of a flexible protein (EG5 repeat protein G51-G52); 2 - Kratky plot of the full-length ScWss1; 3 - Kratky plot of a folded protein (BSA).