Extended Data Figure 1. Absence of antisense transcription 3′ to the Hoxa11 promoter in the Hoxa11eGFP/eGFP limb and evidence that Hoxa11as-b transcripts produced in trans have no effect on Hoxa11 expression.
a, b, Detection of Hoxa11as-b transcripts in wild-type limb buds at E12.5 (a), and whole-mount in situ hybridization to detect gfp antisense transcripts in Hoxa11eGFP/eGFP limb buds at E12.5 (b). c–e, Hoxa11 expression in wild-type limb buds (c), and Hoxa11as-b (d) and Hoxa11 (e) expression in Prx1-Hoxa11as limb buds. Original magnification, ×31.5.