Extended Data Figure 6. Generation of the RosaHoxa11 knock-in mouse line.
a, Targeting of the endogenous Rosa26 locus (top three lines). The wild-type Rosa26 locus is shown below (middle). Regions used as homologous arms for the recombination in ES cells are indicated by brown rectangles labelled 5′ and 3′, respectively. Scheme of the targeted locus after homologous recombination in ES cells and after Cre-mediated recombination is shown at the bottom. The position of the internal (IP) and external (EP) probes and restriction sites used for Southern blot analysis are indicated on both the wild-type and targeted locus. b, c, Southern blots of ES cells clones using the internal probe (b) and external probe (c) to detect the targeted allele (lane 1). d, Southern blot of wild-type (lane 2) and heterozygous (lane 1) mice. A, AscI; E, EcoRV; P, PacI; S, SwaI.