Figure 9.
Paubrasilia echinata (Lam.) E. Gagnon, H. C. Lima & G. P. Lewis. A flowers (H.C. Lima, Brazil, Lima et al. 2705 (RB)) B fruits (G. P. Lewis, Brazil, unvouchered) C prickles on woody protuberances on a young trunk (E. Gagnon, Bahia, Brazil, Lima et al. 7909 (RB)) D habit (L. P. de Queiroz, Bahia, Brazil, unvouchered) E fluted trunk of a mature individual (E. Gagnon, Bahia, Brazil, Lima et al. 7894 (RB) F cross section of the trunk, showing dark red heartwood (E. Gagnon, Espirito Santo, Brazil, unvouchered), G inflorescences (L. P. de Queiroz, Bahia, Brazil, unvouchered).