placidus (Brandegee) E.
Gagnon & G. P. Lewis. A flowers (C. E. Hughes, Baja California,
Mexico, Lewis 2031 (K)).
mexicanus (A. Gray) E. Gagnon
& G. P. Lewis B inflorescence (C. E. Hughes, San Luís Potosí,
Mexico, Hughes et al. 1606 (FHO)).
coccineus (G. P. Lewis &
J. L. Contr.) E. Gagnon & G. P. Lewis C flowers (C. E. Hughes,
Oaxaca, Mexico, Lewis et al. 1802 (K)).
pannosus (Brandegee) E.
Gagnon & G. P. Lewis (captions continued on next page) D (G. P.
Lewis, cultivated in University of Texas from seeds collected in Mexico, B.
L. Turner 88 (TEX)). Erythrostemon
exostemma (DC.) E. Gagnon
& G. P. Lewis E flowers (G. P. Lewis, Comayagua, Honduras,
Lewis & Hughes 1709 (K)).
gilliesii (Hook.) Klotzsch
F Inflorescences (Stan Shebs, Wikicommons (,
Nevada, U.S.A., unvouchered).
melanadenius (Rose) E. Gagnon
& G. P. Lewis G inflorescence I fruit (C. E. Hughes,
Oaxaca, Mexico, Hughes et al. 2091 (FHO)).
hintonii (Sandwith) E. Gagnon
& G. P. Lewis H inflorescence J fruit (G. P. Lewis,
Mexico, MacQueen et al. 428 (K)).
hughesii (G. P. Lewis) E.
Gagnon & G. P. Lewis K unripe, ripe and dehisced fruits and seeds
(C.E. Hughes, Oaxaca, Mexico, Lewis et al. 1795 (K)).
nicaraguensis (G. P. Lewis)
E. Gagnon & G. P. Lewis L fruits (C. E. Hughes, Esteli,
Nicaragua, Hawkins et al. 4 (FHO)).
exilifolius (Griseb.) E.
Gagnon & G. P. Lewis M fruits (E. Gagnon, Argentina,
Gagnon et al. 203 (MT)) Q flower
and buds (E. Gagnon, Catamarca, Argentina, Gagnon & Atchison
222 (MT)). Eythrostemon
fimbriatus (Tul.) E. Gagnon
& G. P. Lewis N fruits (C. E. Hughes, La Paz Bolivia,
Hughes et al. 2441 (FHO)).
fimbriatus (Tul.) E. Gagnon & G. P.
Lewis R flowers (C. E. Hughes, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Hughes et
al. 2466 (FHO)). Erythrostemon
calycinus (Benth) L.P.
Queiroz O flower (G. P. Lewis, Bahia, Brazil,
unvouchered). Erythrostemon
coulterioides (Griseb. emend.
Burkart) E. Gagnon & G. P. Lewis P leaves, inflorescence with
flowers and developing fruits (E. Gagnon, Jujuy, Argentina, Gagnon &
Atchison 209 (MT).