Promoter activity indicated by nuclear localized yellow fluorescence in colonized transgenic L. japonicus wild-type roots transformed with constructs containing a 1.5 kb promoter fragment of DIS (A) or a 2.275 kb promoter fragment of RAM2 (B) fused to NLS-YFP. (A-B) Red fluorescence resulting from expression of pSbtM1:SP-mCherry labels the apoplastic space surrounding pre-penetration apparatuus (PPAs) and fungal structures, thereby evidencing the silhouette of these structures. a Colonized root, b non-colonized part of colonized root, c PPAs, (white arrow heads indicate the silhouette of fungal intraradical hyphae) d small arbuscules, e fully developed arbuscules f collapsed arbuscules. Merged confocal and bright field images of whole mount roots are shown. (C-D) Transgenic complementation of dis-1 (C) and ram2-1 (D) hairy roots with the respective wild-type gene driven by the PT4 promoter. The mutant gene was used as negative control. White arrowheads indicate arbuscules. (E-F) Quantification of AM colonization in transgenic roots shown in (C-D). Different letters indicate significant differences (ANOVA; posthoc Tukey; n = 15; p≤0.001) among genotypes for each fungal structure separately. Int. hyphae, intraradical hyphae. (E): F2,12 = 26.53 (total), F2,12 = 46.97 (arbuscules), F2,12 = 27.42 (vesicles). (F) F2,12 = 341.5 (total), F2,12 = 146.3 (arbuscules), F2,12 = 35.86 (vesicles).