(A) Transcript accumulation of DIS, DIS-LIKE, KASI and RAM2 in control (mock) and R. irregularis colonized (AM) roots and in different organs of L. japonicus assessed by qRT-PCR. Expression values were normalized to those of the constitutively expressed gene EF1α (DIS, DIS-LIKE, KASI) and Ubiquitin10 (RAM2). Black circles represent three biological replicates. Different letters indicate significant differences (ANOVA; posthoc Tukey; n = 15; p≤0.05, F4,14(KASI) = 1.191, F4,14(DIS) = 8.412, F4,14(DIS-LIKE) = 4.563; p≤0.001, F4,14 = 67.41 (RAM2)). AM plants were inoculated with R. irregularis. Control and AM plants were harvested 5 wpi. (B) Arbuscule phenotype in wild type and dis-like-5 mutant roots after 5 wpi with R. irregularis as indicated by acid ink staining. White arrow heads indicate arbuscules.