(A) RAM1 effects on AM-dependent induction of KASIII and DIS, which catalyze 16:0 FA biosynthesis, and absence of effects on KASII. According to BLAST analysis via Kazusa (http://www.kazusa.or.jp/lotus/) and NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) KASIII and KASII are single copy genes in L.japonicus. Transcript accumulation of KASIII, DIS and KASII in non-colonized (open circles) and colonized (black circles) roots of Gifu WT, ram1-3 and ram1-4. Different letters indicate different statistical groups (ANOVA; posthoc Tukey; p≤0.001; n = 23 F5,12 = 65.04(KASIII); n = 24 F5,18 = 54.42 (DIS); n = 18 F5,12 = 33.11 (KASII)). Transcript accumulation was determined by qRT-PCR and the housekeeping gene Ubiquitin10 was used for normalization. AM plants were inoculated with R. irregularis and harvested 5 wpi.