Figure 6.
Infarcted sheep: up-regulated Coll IV and decomposed PNs in ischemic neocortex—allocated with microglia/macrophages, activated astroglia and altered parvalbumin-immunolabeling. Nearly complementary staining patterns in the temporal and parietal cortices are visible for strong Coll IV-immunoreactivity restricted to ischemia-affected regions and WFA-stained PNs 14 days after ischemia onset (A,B,C‴). Simultaneous detection of Iba in (A; blue) reveals a strongly up-regulated immunosignal for microglia/macrophages in the Coll IV-stained region vs. ameboid and ramified microglial cells in close vicinity to PNs. Concomitant staining of GFAP, WFA and Coll IV reveals activated astrocytes (blue) predominantly around the heavily Coll IV-stained region forming a glia scar-like structure (B). Triple staining of Coll IV (blue), PNs (green) and parvalbumin (red) at the ischemic border detects Coll IV exclusively within the affected tissue (C) which displays only remnants of PNs (arrow in C′), whereas the healthy tissue contains numerous WFA-stained PNs (C′,C‴) around parvalbumin-containing neurons (C″,C‴). The overlay (C‴) shows nearly complementary staining patterns for Coll IV and the both other markers. Scale bars in A,B = 75 μm, in C″ (also valid for C,C′) = 150 μm, in C‴ = 100 μm.