Figure 2.
Labelling of TubA1B gene through CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing in 3 cell lines. (a) mEGFP tagging of TubA1B was compared to antibody based labelling in Hel 92.1.7, A549 and Hek293T cells. In all cases, gene editing results in the expression of an mEGFP α-tubulin fusion protein under endogenous control mechanisms (10 μm scale). (b) mEos 3.2 tagged TubA1B allows for the endogenous expression of a photoswitchable tag, and thus PALM imaging. Resolution is similar to that observed for dSTORM images in Hel 92.1.7 cells, and is dependent on the expression level of the mEos 3.2 fusion (c) Detection metrics from ThunderSTORM reconstructions evidence no significant difference between mEos 3.2 imaging in Hel 92.1.7 cells and dSTORM, while the lower expression level in A549 and Hek293T cells results in significantly reduced localization precisions (xy uncertainties) and number of localizations. Bars represent mean ± SD or Mode ± SD. (n = 3). Data were analysed using a 2-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons (Tukey’s). (10 μm scale in whole cell images, 1μm scale in cropped fields). Full sized images are supplied in Supplementary Fig. 4.