Fig. 2.
Pheromone production after infection with immune and metabolic mutants. a, b Pheromone (here and thereafter methyl palmitate shown as example) production of CantonS or OregonR wild-type flies, and flies deficient in the Imd immune response pathway (RelE20 and IMD156) with Pseudomonas entomophila infection (green) and without (white; a), or of flies, where the IMD (Imd flies) or the Toll (Toll flies and spz* flies) response pathway were artificially activated (b). c Pheromone production after infection with live (green) or heat-killed (gray) bacteria. d GC-MS profiles of live bacteria, heat-killed bacteria, and mock-infected control flies. e Pheromone production of flies with either decreased juvenile hormone (Aug21-gal4 x UAS-DTI flies), insulin metabolism (FOXO flies), or stress responses (p38a flies) and their parental control lines. RNAi lines tested at the non-active 25 °C served as further controls. f Pheromone production of flies with or without artificial activation of Rheb (an inhibitor of the FOXO pathway) with infection (green) or without (white)