Fig. 3.
ANXA2 knockdown affected drug sensitivity of NB cells and enhanced cytotoxic effect. a, b. CCK-8 cell viability assay showed drug response curve was left-shifted in ANXA2 knockdown NB cells. In doxorubicin treatment groups, IC50 value of NB cells was 125.7 nM, 2.77-fold lower than control cells (348.4 nM, P = 0.034). Similarly, NB cells with ANXA2 knockdown treated with etoposide had an IC50 value of 1512 nM, which was 7.87-fold lower than the control group (11,894 nM, P = 0.049). c. Under the microscope, more extensive cytotoxic effects in ANXA2 knockdown cells following treatment with chemotherapy drugs: cell shrinkage, disappearing connections, appearance of small “bubbling” at cell membranes, and apoptotic body formation (Dox, 0.5 μM; etoposide 10 μM for 48 h). *: p < 0.05