Functional analysis of the sciatic nerve
the different experimental groups. (A-F) Quantitative Catwalk™ gait analysis of motor function, including (A) swing, (B) swing speed, (C) print area, (D) stand, (E) single stance and (F) duty cycle over 3 weeks following primary surgery revealed gait impairment in the GGhigh group compared to sham control, in contrast to rats of GGlow and scratch groups. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. Illustrated are the ratios as percentages between right (RH) and left hind limb (LH). n=6: scratch and sham control; n=8: GGlow; n=11: GGhigh. (G) Formula for the calculation of the SFI according to Bain et al. (1989), and representative paw prints of the sham control (left) and GGhigh group (right) 3 weeks after operation acquired with CatWalk™. E, experimental; N, normal; IT, intermediate toe spread; TS, toe spread; PL, print length. (H) Analysis of the SFI exhibited severe functional diminution of the sciatic nerve in the GGhigh group compared to sham control starting 1 week after surgery. No severe functional deficiencies were detectable in the GGlow and scratch group; **P<0.01 GGhigh compared with sham; n=6: scratch and sham control; n=8: GGlow; n=11: GGhigh.