Fig. 6.
Morphology of the sciatic nerve and secondary perineural adhesions 1 week after external neurolysis and glutaraldehyde glue removal. (A) Comparison of recurrence of perineural scar tissue demonstrated severe adhesions within the GGhigh group (right bar), in contrast to the GGlow group (left bar); n=2. (B) Gross morphological analysis revealed the formation of connective tissue (upper image) and regrowth of strong fibrotic fibers (lower image, encircled) 1 week after removal of 50 µl applied glutaraldehyde glue. (C) Representative cross sections of sciatic nerves of GGhigh (left column) and GGlow (right column) were stained with H&E, Masson's trichrome, anti-neurofilament protein, anti-S100 and Luxol fast blue (from top to bottom). Comparison of both experimental groups revealed major differences in growth of perineural collagen-rich connective tissue and intraneural damage. Scale bars: 50 µm (high magnification) and 200 µm (inset).