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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Aug 17.
Published in final edited form as: IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2015 Feb 6;62(12):2794–2811. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2401514

Algorithm 2.

Technician-Free Image-Guided Bronchoscopy Strategy.

1: Inputs:
 CT-based 3D airway-tree model
 route r = {b1, b2, …}
 navigation plan {Tj, Mj}, j = 1, 2, …, a
 bronchoscope video stream
2: Present VB View ICTΘ1 // Initialization at main carina
3: Move bronchoscope so
4: for all bj, j = 1, …, a such that Mj ≠ NULL do
5:   // Perform rotate-flex-advance maneuver set
6:   Invoke “rotate” command
7:   Present VB-rotate-movie (ICTΘj,Tj)ICTΘjT
8:   Rotate bronchoscope so IV(ΘjT)ICTΘjT
9:   Invoke “advance” command
10:   Save base-camp pair {IV(ΘjT),ICTΘjT}
11:   Present VB-advance-movie (ICTΘjT,bj+1)ICTΘj+1
12:   Flex and advance bronchoscope so IVΘj+1ICTΘj+1
13:   // Position-verification mechanism
14:   if “verify” command invoked then
15:    Present targeting circles on video
16:    Move bronchoscope so a bifurcation fits inside circlesIV
17:    Invoke “verify” command
18:    global-register (IV,bj)ICTΘ
19:    Present base-camp pair {IV, ICTΘ}
20:    if depicted registration deemed correct
21:     if bronchoscope in correct position
22:      continue // Navigation on track
23:     else // bronchoscope deemed to be in incorrect position
24:      Pull back bronchoscope to branch bj
25:      go to 6 // Back up to last correct branch
26:    else // Depicted registration is incorrect
27:     go to 14
28: else if “back” command invoked then
29:   repeat
30:    j−1 → j
31:   until Mj ≠ NULL // Back up to first proper branch
32:   Present VB View ICTΘj // Present “Arrive” VB view for previous proper branch
33:   Pull back bronchoscope to indicated branch
34:   go to 6