Schematic illustrating the modified forward-masking subtraction method used to resolve
ECAP responses to each pulse in the pulse train. In all panels, probe pulses are labeled
“P” and masker pulses are labeled “M.” MPI is the
masker-probe interval. Left: the standard forward- masking technique is applied to obtain
the response to the first pulse in the train (AT) and to derive a template of
the probe artifact (BT - CT) to be applied to pulses 2–13.
AT is the probe alone, BT is the forward-masked condition with the
standard MPI of 400 μsec, CT is the masker alone, and DT is
a recording of the switching artifact. The masker is set 10 CL above the probe to ensure
adequate masking. Middle: the modified forward-masking technique
[(BN-CN)-(BT-CT)] is used to
resolve the response to the second pulse in the train. In this case, the masker and probe
are equal in amplitude and the MPI is equal to the period of the pulse train. Right: the
modified forward-masking technique
[(BN-CN)-(BT-CT)] is used to
resolve the response to pulses 3–13. In BN and CN, the
masker and probe amplitudes are equal, and the number of maskers is systematically
increased, keeping the MPI equal to the period of the masker pulse train.