Activities of Ci-A, Ci-B proteins, and intronless ci transgenes. (A, B, H, and F) Wing discs from ci null larvae with a gCi transgene that (A and E) is wild-type, or lacks the initiator codon for (B) Ci-B or (F) Ci-A, stained for ptc-lacZ (red) or Ci-155 (white). (C and G) ptc-lacZ and (D and H) Ci-155 intensity profiles along the AP axis for single experiments (n = 4 wing discs). (I) Diagram representing the structure of gCi, Ci-1, and SV-1 transgenes, in which introns are deleted (boxed regions are exons with coding sequence in orange). In SV-1, the 3′-UTR was replaced by SV40 3′-UTR sequences (blue). (J–L) ci null wing discs with one copy of (J) gCi, (K) Ci-1, or (L) SV-1, stained for ptc-lacZ (red) and Ci-155 (white). (M) ptc-lacZ and (N) Ci-155 intensity profiles along the AP axis for single experiments (n = 3 wing discs). (O–V) Wings from ciCell/ci94 flies with one copy or two copies of (O and P) gCi, (Q and R) gCi ATG-A, (S and T) gCi ATG-B, (U) Ci-1, or (V) SV-1. AP, anterior/posterior.