The average GC content at synonymous third codon positions (GC3s) and the GC content of introns (GCi). Results are shown for the set of coding sequences (CDS) with high (highest 5%), intermediate (between the 5th and 95th percentile), or low (lowest 5%) expression in A. aegypti embryos. GCi for short (≤130 bp) and long (>130 bp) introns (after removal of 50 bp at each end) per expression class are shown. Different letters (a, b, or c) above the bars showing mean values of GC3s, GCi (short) and GCi (long) within each expression class indicate a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) using paired Mann-Whitney U (MWU) tests (the P-value was <0.001 in each contrast). Note that the GC3s values were also statistically significant different between the three expression classes using paired contrasts (MWU-test P < 0.001). Error bars are standard errors.