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. 2017 Jun 12;5(7):e699–e709. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30217-6

Table 5.

Per-protocol analysis of primary, secondary, and intermediate outcomes

Attended at least one session vs control
Attended all 20 sessions vs control
Estimate (95% CI) p Estimate (95% CI) p
Children measured at baseline and endline
Height-for-age Z score* −0·020 (−0·14 to 0·10) 0·76 −0·00022 (−0·19 to 0·19) >0·99
Weight-for-height Z score −0·010 (−0·097 to 0·077) 0·82 −0·041 (−0·18 to 0·093) 0·55
Children younger than 5 years
Diarrhoea 0·99 (0·85 to 1·16) 0·93 0·96 (0·77 to 1·20) 0·75
Height-for-age Z score −0·050 (−0·19 to 0·093) 0·50 −0·13 (−0·31 to 0·039) 0·13
Weight-for-height Z score −0·034 (−0·12 to 0·055) 0·45 −0·024 (−0·17 to 0·12) 0·74
Children younger than 2 years
Diarrhoea 1·08 (0·87 to 1·34) 0·50 1·15 (0·78 to 1·68) 0·49
Length-for-age Z score −0·073 (−0·25 to 0·10) 0·41 −0·18 (−0·42 to 0·056) 0·13
Weight-for-length Z score −0·093 (−0·23 to 0·042) 0·18 −0·13 (−0·39 to 0·13) 0·34
Children younger than 1 year
Diarrhoea 1·00 (0·73 to 1·39) 0·98 1·11 (0·65 to 1·88) 0·70
Length-for-age Z score −0·08 (−0·31 to 0·15) 0·51 −0·15 (−0·50 to 0·19) 0·38
Weight-for-length Z score −0·18 (−0·36 to −0·0058) 0·04 −0·17 (−0·51 to 0·18) 0·34
Household level
Thermotolerant coliforms per 100 mL water (colony-forming units) 6·99 (−40·57 to 54·54) 0·77 21·70 (−48·72 to 92·12) 0·55
Drinking water obtained from an improved source§ 0·043 (−0·026 to 0·11) 0·22 0·054 (−0·018 to 0·13) 0·14
Treatment of drinking water is adequate 0·12 (0·061 to 0·18) <0·0001 0·20 (0·12 to 0·28) <0·0001
Improved sanitation facility 0·089 (0·021 to 0·16) 0·01 0·14 (0·053 to 0·22) 0·001
Structurally complete sanitation facility (ie, floor, walls, and roof) 0·062 (0·0057 to 0·12) 0·03 0·075 (0·0014 to 0·15) 0·046
Handwashing station observed, with soap and water −0·0005 (−0·014 to 0·013) 0·94 0·013 (−0·012 to 0·039) 0·30
Sanitary disposal of child faeces (for children <3 years) 0·004 (−0·042 to 0·051) 0·85 0·040 (−0·026 to 0·11) 0·24

Estimates for diarrhoea are prevalence ratios. Estimates for height-for-age, length-for-age, weight-for-height, or weight-for-length Z scores and thermotolerant coliforms per 100 mL water are β coefficients. Estimates for all intermediate outcomes are risk differences.


Adjusted for baseline height-for-age Z score.

Adjusted for baseline weight-for-height Z score.

Adjusted for baseline values.


As defined by WHO and UNICEF, improved drinking water sources include piped water, public taps, tubewells, protected dug wells or springs, and rainwater.

As defined by WHO and UNICEF, improved sanitation includes flush toilet, ventilated improved pit latrine, pit latrine with slab, and composting toilet.