Identification of the iron-containing urease. (A) Effects of medium supplementation with metal ion salts and knockout of ureH from the urease gene cluster on recombinant E. coli urease activity. (B) SDS-PAGE analysis of purified recombinant urease. Lane M, protein molecular mass standard; lane 1, crude supernatant of PsUrease, which was supplemented with NiSO4 during expression; lane 2, purified PsUrease; lane 3, crude supernatant of BpUrease (Fe3+), which was supplemented with FeCl3 during expression; lane 4, purified BpUrease (Fe3+); lane 5, crude supernatant of BpUrease (Ni2+), which was supplemented with NiSO4 during expression; lane 6, purified BpUrease (Ni2+). (C) Native PAGE analysis of purified BpUrease. Lanes: M, markers; 7, purified BpUrease (Fe3+). (D) Metal contents of the purified proteins. a, the metal content in 1,000 mg/liter urease was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry; b, urease was expressed in the presence of 1 mM FeCl3; c, urease was expressed in the presence of 1 mM NiSO4.