Functional analysis of UreH. (A) Alignment of UreH from B. paralicheniformis ATCC 9945a with the nickel transport protein from L. thermophila and with Bacillus sp. strain TB-90 UreH. (B) Topology of nickel/cobalt transporters (NiCoTs) and UreH from B. paralicheniformis ATCC 9945a. The signature sequence HX4DH in TMD II of the NiCoT and the corresponding sequence HAIEPDH in UreH are shown above the diagrams. (C) SDS-PAGE analysis of UreH expression. Lane M, protein molecular weight standard; lane 1, BL21(DE3)/pRSFDuet-1 cell lysis supernatant; lane 2, BL21(DE3)/pRSFDuet-ureH cell lysis supernatant; lane 3, purified UreH. (D) Intracellular metal ion contents of recombinant strains. After induction for 4 or 8 h, strains were washed and lysed, and the soluble extracts were used for the analysis of metal ion contents by atomic absorption spectrometry.