Fig. 1.
Identification of T. pseudonana genes induced by silicon limitation and repressed by silicon presence. a Hierarchically clustered mRNA expression profile from Affymetrix microarrays after silicon starvation showing SIT1 and SIT2 clusters [39]. Columns correspond to log2ratio (fold change) of the time points (4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 h) relative to 0 h of silicon starvation. The intensities of the colors indicate the magnitude of up regulation (red) and down regulation (green). Black indicates no change. The TpSIT1 and TpSIT2 clusters are indicated by the red and blue bars, respectively. b Transcript abundance levels of genes in TpSIT1 and 2 clusters determined by RNAseq [39]. FPKM values are plotted, the time course of Si limitation (0–24 h) includes a time point at −2 h, which is Si replete conditions. c FPKM values of genes in Si replete medium at −2 and 8 h after Si starvation. d Fold induction of genes at 8 h relative to −2 h