Fig. 5.
Effect of TeNT and vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibition on agonist-evokedd-serine release. (A and B) Immunofluorescence confocal microscopy analysis for VAMP2 and cellubrevin. (Scales: 40 μm.) (C) Effect of TeNT (50 nM; 24 h) and concanamycin A (1 μM; 1 h) on AMPA/t-ACPD-evoked d-serine release. (Scales: 10 fmol per 5 and 20 s). (D) Histogram summarizing the effect of TeNT and concanamycin A on the cells. Values are mean percent changes (±SEM) from four or more independent experiments. ***, P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA plus Scheffé test. (E) Immunoblot analysis of TeNT-treated and control cell extracts showing that VAMP2 (lower bands) is cleaved by TeNT, whereas α-tubulin (upper bands) immunoreactivity is not altered by toxin application.