Effects of antioxidant on mitochondrial function, membrane potential and ROS levels in differentiated AD cybrid cells. Enzymatic activity of complex I (A), IV (B), and cellular ATP levels (C) were determined in cell lysates from differentiated AD cybrid cells with or without the addition of antioxidants. Data were expressed as fold increase relative to AD cybrid cells without the addition of antioxidant (vehicle treatment). Generation of ROS was detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra (D, E) and mitochondrial ROS levels were measured by MitoSox staining intensity (F, H). Mitochondrial membrane potential was measured by TMRM staining intensity (G, I). Quantifications were determined of the signal intensity of EPR (D), immunofluorescent intensity for MitoSox (F) and TMRM (G) in mitochondria of the indicated cybrid cells. The representative EPR and staining images were shown for EPR (E), and red fluorescence for Mitosox (H) and TMRM (I). Data were collected from 20–25 processes of each AD cybrid cell line with different treatments.