Fig. 3.
vip1-1 phenotype: effects on transient and stable genetic transformation by Agrobacterium and complementation by the wild-type VIP1 gene. (A) Transient T-DNA expression in wild-type plants. (B) Transient T-DNA expression in vip1-1 plants. (C) Quantification of GUS activity. Black, white, and gray bars indicate transient GUS expression in Agrobacterium-infected wild-type (WT), vip1-1, and VIP1-expressing vip1-1 (VIP1/vip1-1) plants, respectively. GUS activity in control wild-type plants was defined as 100%. All data represent average values of three independent experiments with indicated standard deviations. (D) Tumor formation in wild-type plants. (E) Reduced tumor formation in vip1-1 plants. (F) Quantification of tumorigenicity in wild-type (WT), vip1-1, and VIP1-expressing vip1-1 (VIP1/vip1-1) plants. White, light gray, dark gray, and black bars indicate numbers of root segments that developed tumors classified as type I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Inset describes tumor phenotypes used for tumor classification. Total number of root segments per experimental condition was defined as 100%. (G) Transient T-DNA expression in VIP1/vip1-1 plants. (H) Restored tumor formation in VIP1/vip1-1 plants.