Figure 4.
Gene expression and DNA methylation in the hippocampus. (a–e) Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis of (a) Avpr1a, (b) Htr1a, (c) Maoa, (d) Mbp, and (e) Nrc31 mRNA as well as (f) pyrosequencing analysis of bisulphite-treated DNA at CpG site 13 within the Avpr1a gene of mice grown up in an early adverse (AA and AB) or beneficial (BA and BB) environment and provided with later matching (AA and BB) or mismatching (AB and BA) conditions in adulthood. Sham-handled mice (SH) served as control. There were significant main effects of life history (Gene expression: Avpr1a: p < 0.001; Htr1a: p = 0.012; Maoa: p = 0.020; Mbp: p = 0.033; DNA methylation: Avpr1a CpG site 13: p = 0.028) and of the late phase (Gene expression: Avpr1a: p < 0.001; Maoa: p = 0.014; Mbp: p = 0.013; Nr3c1: p = 0.013; DNA methylation: Avpr1a CpG site 13: p = 0.013). Data are given as means + s.e.m. Statistics: ANOVA, Bonferroni post-hoc testing. *p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01; ***p ≤ 0.001. n = 11–13 (a–e), n = 8–13 (f). CNRQ = Calibrated Normalized Relative Quantities.