Peritoneal dialyses was initiated one hour after ischemic AKI with peritoneal dialysate exchanges occurring every 15 minutes [i.e., 4 exchanges per hour for four hours for a total of 16 exchanges). Dialysate concentrations of A) urea, B) creatinine, C) IL-6, D) CXCL1, E) TNF-α, F) IL-1, G) IFN-g, and H) IL-10 were measured in the dialysate recovered after the 15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165, 205, and 235 minute dwells. *P<0.05 (decrease) versus the 15 minute dwell; ϯ P<0.05 (increase) versus the 15 minute dwell; n=5 (AH) for each time point. These data show that urea, IL-6, CXCL1, TNF, and IL-10 levels are significantly decreasing in the peritoneal fluid with subsequent PD fluid dwells.