Figure 3.
Hsp21 associates with thylakoid membranes in heat‐stressed plants. Mass spectra are shown for the Hsp21 peptide ENSIDVVQQGQQK detected in samples of Thylakoid membranes (upper), from control plants (14N) and from a 1:1 mix of control (14N) and heat‐stressed plants (15N), and samples of Stroma (lower), from control plants (14N) and from a 1:1 mix of control (14N) and heat‐stressed plants (15N). The Hsp21 peptide ENSIDVVQQGQQK is singly charged and has a mass difference of 19 Da between the 14N‐peptide (m/z = 1472.7) and the 15N‐peptide (m/z = 1491.7) due to 13 N‐atoms in each amido‐group, and 1 extra N‐atom in the amino acid side‐chains of N, Q and K. The quantification of the amount of Hsp21 in stroma and thylakoid membranes is shown as L/H‐ratios in Table 3.