Table 2.
VE comparison | Relevance of results | H1N1 | H3N2 | B |
Vaccinated both seasons versus vaccinated prior season only ΔVEa (95% CI) ΔVE = VEboth – VEprior only |
Patient and policy perspectives | 26% (15% to 36%) | 10% (–6% to 25%) | 24% (7% to 42%) |
Vaccinated current season only versus vaccinated neither season (reference group) Pooled VEcurrent only |
Patient and policy perspectives | 61% (50% to 70%) | 41% (33% to 48%) | 62% (54% to 68%) |
Vaccinated both seasons versus vaccinated current season only ΔVEa (95% CI) ΔVE = VEboth – VEcurrent only |
Policy perspective | 4% (–7% to 15%) | –12% (–27% to 4%) | –8% (–17% to 1%) |
Bold type-face indicates significant results
aΔVE > 0 implies higher vaccine effectiveness estimate when vaccinated in both seasons