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. 2017 Jun 6;11(9):2124–2140. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2017.77

Table 1. Overview of methane carbon uptake rates by Crenothrix and unicellular gamma-MOB in Lake Rotsee and Lake Zug.

  13C at %a (n) Avg biovolume (CARD-FISH-based)b (μm3;n) Methane-C uptake per cellc (fmol cellavg1d1) Cell countd (cell ml1) Total population biovolumee(μm3 ml1) Methane-C uptake per populationf (μmol l1d1)
Lake Rotsee (oxic)
Crenothrix (Mgamma669) NA 85±8.3 (59) 147.7±26.3g 1.2E+04 1.0E+06 1.73g
Crenothrix (Creno445) 22.00±4.8 (17) 73.7±8.4 (51) 128.0±22.8 9.2E+03 6.8E+05 1.18
 Other gamma-MOBh 28.77±4.1 4.2 10.6±0.9 2.6E+04 1.1E+05 0.27
Lake Zug (oxic)
Crenothrix (Mgamma669; low O2) 9.26±1.7 (19) 32.5±5.5 (20) 38.1±6.9 1.1E+03 3.5E+04 0.041
Crenothrix (Mgamma669; high O2) 8.68±1.9 (10)i 32.5±5.5 (20) 35.3±7.8 1.1E+03 3.5E+04 0.038
 Other gamma-MOB (low O2)j 10.39±3.1 4.2 5.7±1.2 6.8E+04 2.9E+05 0.39
 Other gamma-MOB (high O2)j 12.13±3.75 4.2 6.9±1.6 6.8E+04 2.9E+05 0.47
Lake Zug (anoxic)
Crenothrix (Mgamma669) 13.27±4.9 (6) 49.7±20.3 (15) 74.2±26.6 (6) 0.4E+03 2.0E+04 0.03
 Other gamma-MOB NA NA NA NA NA NA

Abbreviations: CARD-FISH, catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization; MOB,

methane-oxidizing bacteria; n, number of analyzed cells, NA, not analyzed.


Calculated as an average (± s.d.) of the 13C/12C ratios of individual regions of interest (i.e., cells) determined by nanoSIMS.


Calculated from CARD-FISH data as an average biovolume (± s.d.) using Mgamma669 or Creno445 probe (Crenothrix) and Mgamma84+705 probes (other gamma-MOB).


Calculated as follows: data from column a were converted into 13C excess in fmol per cell (of a given average biovolume; cellavg) using the avg cell biovolume reported in column b and a conversion factor of 6.4 fmol C μm−3 (Musat et al., 2008). The numbers were corrected for labeling percentage and incubation time.


Counted from the same filters from which avg biovolumes (column b) were obtained. As the boundaries between individual cells within the filament were often not recognizable, only hybridized filaments were counted. Cell counts refer to cell abundances at the start of each incubation and thus do not account for increase of cell abundances during the incubation period.


Calculated as follows: data from column b were upscaled using data in column d.


Calculated as follows: data from column c were upscaled using data from column d.


Assuming the same 13C enrichment as determined with the probe Creno445 on the same sample.


According to Oswald et al., 2015.


In this sample, three analyzed filaments had 13C/12C<0.015 and were not included in the analysis.


According to Oswald et al., 2016.

Calculations are based on incubations from Lake Rotsee (oxic, 2013) and Lake Zug (oxic and anoxic, 2013, 2014; see Supplementary Table 4 for sample details).